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Thursday, September 18, 2008

family update

To let everyone know we are all alive and doing well. I can't believe how long it's been since I've been able to really post. I'm sure now that I have the laptop again you all will be seeing all kinds of new posts from me.'s what's going on.

Todd is still working tons, but thankfully he has Sunday's off to be with us. I love and adore him so much and am beyond thankful for all his hard work. I'm sure he'll be embarrassed that I'm saying that, but it's true. He is a wonderful father, husband, and man. I'm just sad that I don't tell him that enough.

Sam is still learning new words as quickly as the last time I posted. It still blows me away to hear a complete sentence come out of his mouth or to hear him say a word that I didn't even think he knew. I guess I'll have to start watching what I say so he doesn't start things I would rather he didn't. (Not that I say bad words or anything, but you never know what sarcastic thing that I say that he would decide to be his new favorite word or phrase for the day). He has been sick though I think honestly it was just a cold. The think the changing of the weather has made everyone feel a little off. Sam is all boy and definitely a 2 year old. The temper tantrums he throws are ridiculous and at times I'm at a loss for what to do except to put him in his room by himself and shut the door until he calms down. I will be grateful when this phase ends. Don't get me wrong he's a wonderful kid, but when he throws a fit it's like living with a monster.

Sophia is as beautiful as ever. She continues to grow and show her cute little personality. She loves to giggle when her brother is being punished for his bad behavior (yeah I know it's gonna be fun when they get older :) ) She loves to giggle and laugh at the tv too. Her favorite thing to laugh at is Walker Texas Ranger. lol. She hasn't done too much rolling over or sitting up on her own, but she is starting to really enjoy her exersaucer and toys that all her to move. I adore this girl and am always thankful for the few precious moments we get to spend together once Sam goes to bed for the night.

I'm doing good. Keeping busy as always and trying to find time for myself. I have been able to hang out with a friend every other week or so for a couple of hours and that has been really nice. Quality girl time. :) I've also made a new friend on my street. She is a wonderful person and I'm enjoying getting to know her and her family. I'm super busy with Pampered Chef which is awesome since I really love being out and meeting new people. I've also started reading again which is fun since I haven't really wanted to read for awhile...can you blame me I've been tired with raising two kids full time. I'll have more about that in another post later (the reading thing not the tired thing. lol).

hmmm....I think that about catches us up for now. Oh and pictures will come later. I've got to figure out where my camera is before I'll be able to post pictures. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just subscribed to your blog via RSS so I look forward to reading about your family and what you're up to these days!
