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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines and all it's goodies

The day started rough. Sophia woke everyone up screaming. We aren't sure why. Then She proceeded to get sick in her bed later on during a time out (for hitting her brother) and Sam falling and hitting his head. Not off to a good start at all. Since Todd worked so late last night he didn't have time to pick up a gift for me and I had a frustrating time yesterday trying to go and see him at work and getting stuck in traffic for 2hours on Nicholasville Road! Anyways tried to make the best of it and after we got Sophia settled Todd took Sam out for a quick trip to the store before he headed off for work (a double). It's been ok day. Didn't make it to church because of all the chaos around Sophia getting sick. Honestly Sophia has been terrible all day (moody and sick). I'm just thankful that they are watching Wall-E now without killing each other. The best gift of the day I think will be when the kids go to bed and the house is quiet for a bit. lol.

Todd picked up some adorable Disney princess hair clips for Sophia who has outgrown her baby hair clips. Todd said her pjs made her look like a candy heart because of the colors. lol.

Sam finally got his King and Doc cars that he didn't have. He was very excited about this.

My gift to myself. :) Dark Chocolate and a movie. Don't worry I'll share with Todd and he can even watch the movie if he wants too.

Todd loves Rice Krispy Treats so I decided to make a batch for him. We haven't done a lot of treats in awhile so he was pretty thrilled to see these this morning.

The kids made some pictures for Daddy and I put them in frames and hung them by his side of the bed.

Found a little something sitting on my Elliptical machine when I got on to workout today. Todd picked up Princess Bride on dvd and card for me. :)

He also got me these beautiful roses and carnation flowers.

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