Wow, it's March already.
How is it that I haven't blogged? It seems like time is just getting away from me. I guess I've been updating my facebook more and more and spending little time here.
What's been going on?
I took the kids bowling for the first time the other day. They had great fun and of course I only got one picture on my phone and none with my camera because I was too busy making sure the kids didn't drop any bowling balls on their toes. I hope my friend Marissa posts some pictures on her blog so I can steal them. :)
We have seedlings. We bought a bunch of different veggies to plant and already we have some seedlings. As soon as we know the last frost has happened these suckers are going in the ground. We aren't too ambtious though we do hope that we get some veggies this year.
We have 3 weeks of classes left and and our second homestudy left before we are done with the foster parent training. It has flown by even with all the paperwork, classes, etc. We have a space almost ready for kids in the house. We still have to get a few things. A second mattress, a lamp, some hardware to finish putting the bunkbeds together, and some little things too. Overall it's coming right along. Oh course one of the best perks to this whole process is meeting some really awesome people. I've gotten a chance to get to know a few people and it's really exciting to know there are people who think about kids the way that we do and who are willing to step out of their comfort zone to help someone else.
I went on a women's mini retreat with my church a couple weekends ago. That was a very different experience for me as I can count on one hand how many times I've left my kiddos overnight while I was gone. I missed the kids greatly but I knew they were in good hands since they stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Montgomery. The retreat was awesome and it really helped me refocus and center myself. A really great thing and I'm glad I was able to go to it on such short notice.
We have decided to sell the tv. It's currently pending sale I guess. A few people have expressed interest in it. Todd and I agreed that the tv was better suited outside our house. The amount of tv viewing is now a non issue and nobody wants to watch tv even when they have time. We've found ways to fill our time with more meaningful activities and seem to be better off for it. Not to say that sometime in the future we wouldn't buy one again but for now the decision to get rid of the tv is the best choice for us. Oh the cooler things that has happend with less tv viewing is that the kids are playing more and playing together better. :)
I'm sure there is more I'm just drawing a blank at the moment. I promise I'll try to update more and do it a little more frequently in the future.