Nikki is CA bound

Daisypath Vacation tickers

Friday, February 29, 2008

26 weeks today

I thought the above picture was funny as I just had to do a little shopping myself. I had to finally break down and buy 2 pairs of pants as I'm finally starting to look bigger.

Today marks the 26th week of pregnancy for me. Only 98 more days to go. I'm feeling pretty good. My cold is finally gone and I feel like I've gained some energy back which is great when you have a toddler to chase after all day. I'm also starting to get to the point where I actually want to eat and am waking up in the middle of the night for a snack because I'm starving even though I ate a few hours before going to bed. I'm also getting up nearly every hour as baby girl seems to be constantly sitting on my bladder. Things are well and it's fun to feel her move around so much and to feel her constant kicking. Though sometimes I have to tell her to settle down so I can actually focus on other things. :)

Sam is doing great too..walking around the house a ton. He took 35 steps yesterday. I can't believe it. I said "Go" and he did. It's exciting to see him gain confidence and start to take off. Everyday he walks more and more and I know it's just a matter of time before he's walking all the time. We are glad that we found the First Steps program and are able to get some physical therapy to help motivate him to walk. He was lacking confidence in his skills and was choosing not to walk, but the therapist has given us good tools to help get him going.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

You know you are a parent when...

A friend from college posted on her blog that she knew she was a parent when she was catching her son's vomit in her hands and laughing about it. I can't say that I've done that yet, but there have been several things lately that make me think of that old saying you know you are a parent when...
When you can't find your kiddos dinner fork after eating a meal and instantly start digging through the trash . When you can't find it you start to wonder what happened to it and are convinced that you must be loosing your mind since there isn't that many places to look for a fork when you live in such a small place. I did find the fork tonight . Sam had stuffed it under his booster seat and wouldn't you know I didn't look there. He actually pulled it out himself when I fed him tonight.

You hear a splash and realize that there isn't any water for your kiddo to be splashing in and wonder what's going on. I went into the bathroom to see that Sam had pulled out his bath time rubber duckies and was splashing in the clean toilet water. Talk about a site. Toilet lid up, rubber ducks in the water, and water splashed all over the floor, and him laughing hysterically.

Oh it's fun being a parent that's for sure.

Sam the Man (and George too!)

Sam reading a book while daddy gets breakfast ready.

Too hungry to wait for food he decides he's going to eat the book.

He's letting me know that he needs a new diaper.

Naptime. This was taken just a few minutes ago.

Sam's best friend George was just left in the middle of the floor.

For those that have been asking to see recent pictures of Sam here they are. These are from within the last few days. It's really hard to take pictures of him since he's always on the move and refuses to be still for long.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Just curious what everyone's thoughts are on having a baby shower for your second child. I had a small shower with Sam when he was born and had a lot of fun. I obviously don't need a lot of the basics (crib, sheets, etc) stuff that you need with your first kiddo, but I'd love to get clothes or diapers and wipes for baby girl due in June. A friend offered to throw a shower for me, but I wonder if that's a little selfish to have another shower. On the other hand though I think every baby should be celebrated. Hmmm...what do you all think?

I love my mom.

I just wanted to tell everyone how much I love my mom. The above picture was taken a few short weeks after Sam was born in June 2006. I was feeling kinda down today. Just tired and worn out. Anyone with a toddler and is pregnant again will understand what I'm talking about. Anyways, I called my Mom. She lives in Texas and so I don't get to see her very often. Anyways it was a great conversation and I'm so thankful for the hour I had to talk to her on the phone today and laugh. My relationship with my mom has always been kinda complicated until a few years and so having those minutes to talk and catch up are priceless and somehow always seem to lift my spirits just a little bit. So those of you out there that haven't talked to your moms in awhile give her a call. You'll be glad you did and she'll be glad that you thought to call.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Morning recap

(The above picture is a couple months old)

Todd and I had this great idea to eat lunch before my appointment today so Sam wouldn't be starving during the appointment and would do better. Ha. That didn't work out the way that we hoped.

I had my monthly check up with the Dr. (I'll be 25 weeks tomorrow) I love my Dr. but I always have to wait forever to see her because apparently everyone comes to see her too. Sam of course decided that he didn't want to be there and threw a massive fit the whole time we were there. The other patients in the waiting room were giving us dirty looks the whole time and the staff in the office kept making offers to get us a snack, a drink, whatever they could do to make it easier for us. After Sam ate a 6 pack of peanut butter crackers, a cereal bar, a dum dum lollipop and a whole glass of water he still wasn't happy. He threw his toys on the floor, started hitting Todd and was screaming louder than before. Thankfully after waiting an hour the office staff asked if we would be okay seeing the Nurse Practitioner. Oh course we said we would since we were all ready to stop the screaming.

As far as baby girl she is measuring right on target. Her heartbeat was great and sounded well. My blood pressure was on track too. I go back in 4 weeks to do a glucose test and the regular routine stuff. I've gained back my pre-pregnancy weight and am up a total of 2 lbs. :) Seems insane, but I'm just glad to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight since I lost so much in the beginning with being sick all the time.

Oh and in case you were wondering Sam didn't stop screaming until we were on our way out of the appointment. Todd and I were able to recover from my appointment with some Starbucks in our long ride home (since the weather is gross). Thank goodness for a yummy decaf drink. Anyways..we are all doing well and are enjoying watching MythBusters.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Insane or not?

Ok, so go and check out this article about a woman who had her laptop lost by Best Buy. It's really insane. She's suing the company for $54 million dollars. Personally I would be upset too, but suing for $54 million is a bit excessive in my opinion. Read it let me know what you think.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

This is what we do for fun

Todd and I are hooked on playing Scrabble lately. We play it a lot online which makes it great since you don't have to clean up when you are done playing. My hubby though is amazing at playing and it frustrates me to no end since I can never win. So just a little FYI don't challenge my hubby to a game of Scrabble unless you are really good.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day everyone! Today our little man Sam turns 20 months. I can't believe it. He truly is the best valentines day gift ever (even when he's throwing a fit. :) ) Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Winter and all that good stuff

This blog hasn't been my biggest priority. In fact I don't think anyone even knows it's here yet so I guess I've not been to worried about updating it.


It's snowing outside and has been for a couple of days off and on. It's actually really pretty and also pretty dangerous. Todd and I went out to eat on Monday night. The only date night we have had in over a month. We've tried having a date night every week but something has always kept it from happening. Not this time. We had my in-laws watch Sam so we could go out. Anyways with the weather being so bad it took an hour and a half to get back home to Wilmore. Lexington is about 20 minutes away regularly so you can understand how frustrating it was to be in the car that long especially when your pregnant and need to use the restroom every 20 minutes.

With this wonderful weather also comes the winter cold. Unfortunately it's hit me pretty hard. With being pregnant there isn't much I can take so I'm trying to take it easy and am praying that Sam doesn't catch it. Todd has a slight touch of it, but he has an amazing immune system and is feeling tons better already.

Well there you have it...winter and all the fun that comes along with it.