(I wrote this after getting home from Nashville and having slept only 4 hours. Had to write it down before I forgot it. Also if it seems choppy there are a few things that I left out on purpose since I didn't think I needed to give you the entire conversation that I had with Sam, but I mostly just wanted to share in the excitement of meeting him and just the experience as a whole)
I was standing in line for How to Be and talking to my friend and some girls in line about why they came to see the movie, talked Twilight and whatever, when all of the sudden Sam walks right past me. I turned to my friend and was OME do you know who that is? She was like no who is that? So I told her that's Sam Bradley. She was like THE SAM BRADLEY that you've been gushing about for the last hour and talking LOD stuff about. I was like yeah. I wasn't going to approach him or anything since he was just being a normal guy and was waiting to go see How To Be.
But I totally started geeking out and getting all excited and I was talking about seeing him and Bobby on Wed and how no one would believe that I saw him. Well she decided that I was not going to wait till Wed. and said that I deserved to meet him now. lol I love my friend. So she goes over and asks him when he's done talking would he mind coming over and meet and take a picture with a friend of hers who is a big fan. He said Absolutely and smiled really big.
So after a few minutes he comes over and my friend was like this is Nikki Montgomery she is one of the LOD street team gals to which his response was 'wicked'. She asked him to take a picture with me again and he agreed. So I hand my friend my camera he put his arm around me (he smells amazing too by the way). My camera is one of those weird ones were there is pause between when you push the button and when it takes the picture. So I'm like did it take? My friend is like um...hang on. Sam then looks to me and says Be Patient. I'll hang out for as long as it takes to get a picture with you and smiles really big. OME!!!!! My friend asked us to smile and he then said I'm not gonna smile but then laughed. I thanked him for his time and told him I was excited to see him play again on Wed. His response was absolutely and then thanked me for taking a picture with him. He thanked me!!
He's such a doll and you can tell he is totally comfortable having his picture taken and being around people. After Sam left everyone around me was asking who he was. Oh course I totally told everyone there about LOD and even got the email address of one of the girls I saw getting her picture with him so I can contact her about LOD and see if I could get a copy of her picture.I even got tons of email addresses from people that I collected and told I would email about LOD :)
Totally awesome experience. The rest of the day was incredible too. I met and got to hang out with the director, the score guy, and two of the actors for awhile and got pictures and had an awesome time with them. How To Be is a wonderful film. Very poignant and beautiful and I can't wait to see it again. According to Oliver it will be out in the UK next month and then on DVD in the US hopefully the month after next and told me that it would be on the IFC channel in Demand later this month. Anyways Awesome experience.
(OME--is a Twilight reference to Edward. It's like saying you've been dazzled! :))
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