Sam LOVES his movie Kung Fu Panda and wants to watch it all the time. It is a really funny and cute movie so if you haven't seen it I recommend it.
Sam has also enjoyed playing with his play kitchen that our wonderful neighbors Hilary and Robin gave us. Sam loves to play with it and pretend he is using the blender to make 'juice'.
We are also working on potty training. It's a slow process and can be very frustrating for everyone. I wish the whole process was a lot easier.
He's also become a very fussy eater and often refuses to eat his veggies. Gotta love the terrible 2's and the exerting of power they try and do.
On a sweet note though Sam does often ask for kisses and will come and ask for them at the most random of times and then run back to whatever activity he was doing. It's very cute and very sweet.
Another sweet thing that Sam does is share his toys with Sophia. On more than one occassion I've had to take a toy from her that was just too small for her to be playing with. I do think it's sweet though that he shares with her. He has also taken to trying to help calm her down if she is upset about anything and telling her 'it's okay'.
I love my little man despite how hard it is to be around him sometimes with his mood swings. :)
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